GPISC - Grupo de Pesquisa e Inovação em Sistemas Computacionais (Computer Systems Research and Innovation Group)
Main objective
To develop innovative and advanced solutions in the field of computer systems that make a significant contribution to scientific, technological and social progress.
Specific objectives
- Explore new technological paradigms: explore and develop new paradigms, architectures and computing models that can push the current boundaries of computing and bring significant advances in terms of performance, efficiency and scalability.
- Promote the integration of new technologies: Integrate and explore new technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing to create more powerful, adaptable and effective computing systems.
- Advances in security and privacy: develop innovative techniques and mechanisms to strengthen cybersecurity, protect user privacy and ensure the reliability and integrity of computing systems in an increasingly interconnected and threatening environment.
- Facilitate the interoperability of systems: Design and implement solutions that promote interoperability between different computer systems and enable effective collaboration and transparent sharing of data and resources in distributed and heterogeneous environments.
- Promote sustainability and social responsibility: Consider the environmental, social and ethical impact of the technologies developed and work to minimize the environmental footprint of computing and ensure that innovations benefit society as a whole.
- Transfer knowledge and technology: Work with industry, government and community partners to transfer knowledge and technology and transform academic research into products, services and strategies that have a tangible and positive impact on society.
- Train specialized human resources: empower undergraduate and graduate students to work in the field of computing systems by providing them with research opportunities, mentoring, and professional development within the group.
- Cloud Computing
- High-performance computing
- Distributed systems
- Computer Networks
- Internet of things
- Embedded Systems
- Smart cities
- Edson Tavares de Camargo - - UTFPR-Toledo
- Elias P. Duarte Jr. - - DINF/UFPR-Curitiba
- Guilheme Galante - - Unioeste-Cascavel
- Luciana Arantes - - Sorbonne Université/INRIA/LIP6, France
- Luiz Antonio Rodrigues - - Unioeste-Cascavel
- Marcio Seiji Oyamada - - Unioeste-Cascavel
- Roberto Milton Scheffel - - UTFPR - Toledo
- Diogo Carlos Paganini Domingos - Mestrado
- Gabriela Stein - Mestrado
- Gabriel Ranulfo Branquinho Cirillo - Mestrado
- Mateus Tenorio dos Santos - Mestrado
- Scarlet Rubão Vitorino de Sousa - Mestrado
- Thayanne Christine Ferreira Lima - Mestrado
- Arthur Angelo Cenci Silva - Graduação
- Bruno Felipe Lovato - Graduação
- Ellen Cristini Schreiber Brzozoski - Graduação
- Fábio Kenji Sato - Graduação
- Gabriel Lenser - Graduação
- Gabriel Santos da Silva - Graduação
- Guilherme Altmeyer Soares - Graduação
- Luiz Felipe Fonseca Rosa - Graduação
- Mateus Tenorio dos Santos - Graduação
- Pedro Miotto Mujica - Graduação
- Rafael Pascoali Czerniej - Graduação
- Vinicius Muller de Freitas - Graduação
Looking for a master program? (Interessado em um mestrado? )

Master Degree Program in Computer Science - Mestrado em Ciência da Computação